* StrWnd.Msg                                                                *
* Standard messages belonging to the StrWnd window class.                   *

§ [StrWnd.Msg] 
 0  [Please enter an integer in the range %d to %d.]
 1  [Please enter an integer with a value of %d or less.]
 2  [Please enter an integer with a value of %d or more.]
 3  [Please enter an integer.]
 4  [Please enter a string with a length in the range %d-%d characters.]
 5  [Please enter a string %d characters long or shorter.]
 6  [Please enter a string at least %d characters long.]
 7  [Please enter a floating point number in the range %f to %f.]
 8  [Please enter a floating point number with a value of %f or less.]
 9  [Please enter a floating point number with a value of %f or more.]
10  [Please enter floating point number.]
11  [Error displaying the anchor "%s" in the html page "%s"
in the help file "%s".]

* StrWnd                                                                    *
* Captions of standard controls, like the OK and Cancel buttons that are    *
* used in almost every control                                              *
§ [StrWnd]

    1 [OK]
    2 [Cancel]
57671 [Help]

4 [Retry]
5 [Ignore]
6 [Yes]
7 [No]
8 [Close]
10 (4) [StrWnd]
11 [Continue]

* StrWnd.Help                                                               *
* Help strings for standard controls, like the OK and Cancel buttons that   *
* are used in almost every control                                          *
§ [StrWnd.Help]

Closes this dialog box and accepts the changes you have made.]

2 [¤Cancel
Closes this dialog box without saving the changes.]

Brings up the online help for this dialog box.]